Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bright n light

pouf by Aleksandra Gakas

photo by Mikkel Vang

On a grey and rainy day like this pics of bright places full of light really inspires me. I'm working on my own gems today. Designing and trying new things. Pics will be up soon!

photos by: idees deco dida, riazzoli, ellemania and svenskt tenn

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm back..

 business now... Been working crazy much, moving in to a new lovely house, meeting new interesting people...and just had long lazy days on the beach. Far away from computers. But there has also been a bit of time left over for random dancing i the streets, ukulele playing, fashion shows and a glass of champagne in the pool with my lovely flatmate Marta.

Last week, or was it the one before that..?! (the days don't seem to have an end nor beginning really) I worked alot with buffalo girl. We went to the crystal castle. She handpicks each and every gem she puts in to her beautiful bags and accessories. Another day the same week we did a photo shoot in the beautiful surroundings of Byron. I'm super happy to get to do the styling for one of my absolute favourite labels.

To see the whole shoots for Buffalo Girl klick here

Photos above by Terry Cronin, Buffalo Girl, Chelsea Rees and EspaƱoles in Byron Bay